
    by Cameron Rosare


  • ~"The Big Three" arrives at Potsdam
  • Stalin: What are we going to do with Germany?
  • Truman: Germany is going to be split up into four zones. Soviets get the biggest part because they have the most casualties,Russia is also allowed to take 10% of the industry equipment from the western zones. USA and UK in Eastern zone.
  • ~Stalin:smerk*
  • Attlee: Ok and how much should they be punished?
  • Stalin:They should suffer! They shall pay lots of money!
  • Truman:No, the nazi leaders are to go on trial.
  • Everyone:Understood(tentions rised)
  • ~July 21 Truman learns they have the atomic bomb.
  • ~Next day discuss future of Germany.

Future of Germany?

  • Attlee:Germany is to disarm and be demilitarized. They must get rid of everything in the undustry that could be used fo r the military.
  • Truman:They will also get rid of German military places and deplete in a manner where militarism and Nazism is gone for good.
  • Stalin: All German ammo and facilities will be disposed of or held, all aircraft shall not be used.
  • Attlee:Now how about political?
  • Truman:To show Germany that they have been defeated they shall have to deal with the responsibility of the economy by themselves, get rid of the nazi party, and anyone associated with them. All democratic parties will be allowed, local self-government hall be restored, elective priciples shall be introduced, and no central German Government be established.
  • ~all agree because hatred of Germany.


  • Attlee: In regard to Poland the territory in the North and West they shall receive.
  • ~Members of Polish Provisional Government of National Unity received at the Conference have fully presented their views
  • Truman:Ok so former German territories east of line down the Baltic Sea, and along the Oder River to the confluence of the Western Neisse River and along Western Neisse to Czechoslovak shall be under Polish State
  • ~Stalin:furious*
  • Truman: Not be considered as part of Soviet zone occupy in Germany
  • ~All agree Stalin still angry


  • ~Truman and Attlee
  • Attlee: so now with the Polish Government in London is gone and withdrawed fre and unfettered elections all anti-Nazi and Democratic parties can put forward candidates.
  • Truman: Poland will become more democratic, and the allies will fight for freedom and bring peace to the world...


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